
My background is a bit like bread

Much like flour, Physics is the structure of everything I do and feeds my Computer Science, the yeast. Math, which translates the science to my code, binds these two together, like fat. Finally, Communication, like sugar, makes the whole thing sweet and palatable. For my PhD thesis, I combine all these ingredients to bake my bread: non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. Mmmmm, delicious!

Specifically, I aim to understand the role of self-propulsion on collective behavior. Using C++ and Python, I simulate and analyze non-equilibrium systems of self-propelling particles, boiling down big data to simple, predictive relationships.

My background in Computational Physics certainly comes in handy for research but also lends itself to every aspect of my career from creating user analytics and inventory systems to mentoring high schoolers that won international STEM competitions. My computational physics background has shaped me to be well-rounded, much like a well-risen loaf of bread.

Teaching and Mentoring

Upon starting undergraduate research, I didn't think it was possible to accomplish my research goal. How can I ever program a model when I can't speak in 0's and 1's! Coding was completely foreign to me, and I was initimated. Thanks to my research mentor's support, I developed not only my passion for Computational Physics but also my desire to mentor others.

With this newfound passion, I pursued my PhD in Materials Science (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Spring 2024). As a teaching assistant in my first year, I guided small groups of students through semester-long projects developing computational models. By the end of my second year, I became the senior graduate student in my lab, making it a priority to train and support new students. Finally, in my last two years, I mentored high school students across the world on research projects for international STEM competitions, winning numerous national awards.

Programming Skills

When starting undergraduate research, I had never seen a line of computer code. Within a couple years, I taught myself how to read and write complex code and applied it to design an experimentally verified physics-based model. I strive to continue honing my programming skills in computational modeling, data science, and data analysis.



Scientist in training, businessman at heart

As a sophomore in high school, I founded and, for six years, managed a social media group and news outlet for investing in comic books, which grew from a few dozen to over 5,000 members under my leadership. I loved the challenge of applying my analytical skills to a new field: business. In graduate school, I made it a priority to formally develop my business skills by pursuing a Graduate Certificate in Innovation, Leadership, & Management.