
Research & Programming

Computational Physicist

UNC-Chapel Hill: Klotsa Group

Using C++ and molecular dynamics models, I simulate active Brownian particles. Using algorithms I write in Python, I analyze big data to understand how properties of the individual agents contribute to the dynamic, collective behavior of the whole. Finally, I derive novel mathematical theories predicated on statistical mechanics that explain and predict the system behavior.

A grant proposal I wrote for this project was awarded the prestigious Department of Defense (DoD) National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship to fully fund three years of my graduate career.

Data Scientist

UNC Makerspaces: Be A Maker

Through front-end and back-end development, I designed various computational tools to increase users, improve user retention, and facilitate a better user experience.

I created databases and data collection routines for user demographics, designed Tableau workbooks for intuitively analyzing user demographics that enabled more efficient staff scheduling and more targeted marketing, and collaborated with Salesforce to create a QR-based inventory system accounting for product movement between four makerspaces.

Experimental Physicist

UNC-Chapel Hill: Huang Group

I developed perovskite photodetectors, such as the first narrow-band perovskite photodetector for photoluminescence measurements and started an ongoing research project for the first perovskite-based single-photon detector.

As the first photodetector researcher in my lab, I designed novel measurement systems for our lab, formed and managed a collaboration network with numerous national labs, and published a textbook chapter that summarizes past research and future directions to make perovskite photodetectors more accessible to scientists and students.

Computational Physicist

Wisconsin Plasma Physics Laboratory (WiPPL)

I developed a computational model in Python that accurately predicts fusion plasma properties and energy emissions based on Bayesian statistics. I applied my computational model to design an x-ray detector that removes undesirable noise from other measurements, effectively increasing the measurement capabilities of scientists.

Teaching & Mentoring

STEM Competition Mentor

Junior Science and Humanities Symposium

I mentored high school students across the world on research projects that utilize computer vision, machine learning, and data science while continuing to provide long-term career support.

One of my mentees placed third in their regional JSHS competition and first at their state International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) and will be competing in both at the international level.

Student Organization Founder

Graduate Student Association

During the COVID pandemic, I founded and helped organize events for the Graduate Student Association to keep students connected, advocate for graduate student interests in key departmental decisions, and provide career development opportunities.

Graduate Student Senator

Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG)

I was elected by my graduate student peers to serve on the GPSG where I advocated for graduate student rights.

I was nominated by my peers to serve on the finance committee, where I balanced the annual budget and wrote successful proposals to provide financial support to minority-serving outreach organizations and students requiring assistance with work-from-home costs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Teaching Assistant

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

I developed and led lectures on programming in MATLAB and Python applying both to designing molecular dynamics models. I oversaw undergraduate research projects that created molecular dynamics models for real-life phenomena.


DoD NDSEG Research Fellowship

UNC-Chapel Hill: Klotsa Group

I was one of the 2% of 2021 applicants awarded the prestigious Department of Defense (DoD) National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship, which provides $165,000 over 3 years to cover my tuition, stipend, healthcare, and travel expenses.

Stanford Machine Learning Certificate

Stanford University

Through Stanford University and DeepLearning.AI, I participated in a series of courses on the fundamentals and applications in Python of machine learning using Supervised Machine Learning: Regression and Classification; Advanced Learning Algorithms; and Unsupervised Learning, Recommenders, and Reinforcement Learning.

Machine Learning for Everyone Certificate

Department of Defense

Through the Department of Defense (DoD) and Army Research Laboratory (ARL), I participated in a short course on the fundamentals of machine learning using Microsoft Excel and Python.

First Place Poster Presentation in Modeling, Computation, and Theoretical Simulations

Triangle Student Research Competition 2021

At the Triangle Student Research Competition (TSRC), I was selected as the best poster presentation in the category of Modeling, Computation, and Simulations from over 100 TSRC participants.

Theodore Herfurth Scholarship

University of Wisconsin-Madison

The Theodore Herfurth scholarship provides a 4 year award [$8,000/yr] to high achieving students with financial need pursuing a degree from the College of Letters & Science at UW-Madison.